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てらおさとみ 寺尾さとみ

skate bowl
5000mm×5000mm acrylic 2015 Chiba Japan

skate bowl
5000mm×5000mm acrylic 2015 Chiba Japan

at entrance of the bar
1000mm×1400mm acrylic 2017 Tokyo Japan

at the rooftop
1700mm×3300mm acrylic 2016 New York US

at the rooftop
1700mm×3300mm acrylic 2016 New York US

typography at beauty salon
1800mm2000mm acrylic 2017 Ibaraki Japan

typography at beauty salon
1800mm2000mm acrylic 2017 Ibaraki Japan

atfitting room of the clothing store
1200mm900mm acrylic 2015 Chiba Japan

entrance of the office
2700mm2000mm acrylic 2015 Chiba Japan

at conference room
1200mm900mm acrylic 2015 Chiba Japan
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